I am proud to be a Sandy Hook Promise leader, and I was fortunate to be able to give a presentation to a school last week about a potential partnership for the 2018-19 school year. I went through a lot of data, statistics, professional experience I've had that is evidence I am able to do this important work, and ended with the compelling video Sandy Hook Promise created about recognizing warning signs in students who are struggling:
Through my work with Sandy Hook Promise, I have combed through the amazing resources on their website, and found so many great programs, guides, videos, etc. I've referenced the Sandy Hook Promise "Know the Signs" guide in a previous blog, and I've been looking for a way to incorporate the video "Tomorrow's News:"
This video is so important in that it calls out the fact that while we all know that there is a problem, few seem to be willing to step forward and be the change. As a result of my commitment to being a Sandy Hook Promise leader, I was connected with a couple of individuals who pointed me to the grass-roots group Moms Demand Action. I am currently looking for more ways to work intensely with Moms Demand Action, as I believe when we band together for a common cause, we are capable of doing amazing things and pushing change forward for the greater good of society and future generations. While I continue this effort, I will be wearing orange today, and encourage you to do so as well in an effort to band together and put gun violence at the forefront of lawmakers agendas. This is it. The time is now. #wearorange