Here we are again. ANOTHER school shooting. Another group of innocent people dead, and another gunman who could have gotten help so he didn't feel the need to act in such rage. According to the Washington Post, one of the potential motives of the shooter, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, was romantic rejection by a peer, Shana Fisher. This was called out - this behavior was called out by the FBI in The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective. Specifically the FBI says, "clues to a student's personality can come from observing behavior when the student is coping with conflicts, disappointments, failures, insults, or other stresses encountered in everyday life." (FBI, p. 12) The FBI continues to describe that some students who have ultimately become school shooters have demonstrated poor coping skills, lack of resiliency and failed love relationships. "The student consistently shows little if any ability to deal with frustration, criticism, disappointment, failure, rejection, or humiliation. His or her response is typically inappropriate, exaggerated, immature, or disproportionate. The student lacks resiliency and is unable to bounce back even when some time has elapsed since a frustrating or disappointing experience, a setback, or putdown." (FBI, p. 17)

"The student may feel rejected or humiliated after the end of a love relationship, and cannot accept or come to terms with the rejection." (FBI, p. 17) Shana's mother Sadie Rodriguez agrees with this sentiment and believes this is one reason her daughter ended up being a victim of Dimitrios' rage.
It doesn't have to be this way. I've compiled the data from the FBI's study, and found that 64% of the personality traits, characteristics, motives, etc., demonstrated by school shooters, can be identified and intervened. We need to start treating the ROOT of the problem, instead of just putting a Band-aid on the problem by arming teachers with guns. If Dimitrios had learned better coping skills, was taught how to be resilient and persevere despite difficult life situations and setbacks, the tragedy at Santa Fe High School could have been avoided. This is it. The time is now.
With Heart Presentation | March 1, 2018:
#enough #enough #neveragain #neveragain #schoolshooting #school #shooting #innocent #gunman #dimitriospagourtzis #rejection #shanafisher #FBI #FBIstudy #theschoolshooterathreatassessmentperspectiv #threatassessment #personality #behavior #coping #conflicts #disappointments #failures #insults #stress #everydaylife #poorcopingskills #lackofresiliency #failedloverelationships #littleability #frustration #criticism #disappointment #failure #humiliation #inappropriateresponse #exaggerated #immature #disproportionate #lacksresiliency #setback #putdown #rejected #humiliated #loverelationship #love #relationship #accept #sadierodriguez #daughter #rage #compileddata #64 #motives #characteristics #personalitytraits #identify #intervene #rootoftheproblem #Bandaid #armingteacherswithguns #santafehighschool #thisisit #thetimeisnow