I was chatting with someone recently about my new professional endeavor, and in an almost disgusted manner, this person said, "There is no solution to school shootings." I was sort of taken back and pretended I didn't hear what they just said. This got me thinking about the many different worldly/societal issues that didn't have solutions...until they did. A few that came to mind...
Measles - I'm sure before the early 1960s, if someone said to another person in conversation, "I'm looking to find a cure for measles," a similar reaction would have been had to my attempt to solve school shootings. In 1954, however, John F. Enders collected blood samples from patients who had the measles, in an attempt to isolate the virus and create a vaccine...and he succeeded.
Lightbulbs - Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb after experimenting with chemistry and tinkering with electrical devices. Before lightbulbs existed, the only source of light for human use was fire and the sun. Many viewed Thomas Edison as crazy, because before 1878 the lightbulb was a mere idea in his head. Fortunately, he relentlessly pursued his idea, and life today would be vastly different without his "crazy" invention.
Women's Rights - Before 1848, women had no rights, some of which included:
Married women were legally dead in the eyes of the law
Women were not allowed to vote
Women had to submit to laws they didn't help form
Husbands had legal power over and responsibility for their wives and could imprison and/or beat them with impunity
Divorce and child custody laws favored men
Most occupations were closed to women, and when women DID work, they were paid only a fraction of what men were paid
Women were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law
No colleges or universities would accept women students
Then a brave group of women, led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton demanded change. Were they looked at as crazy? Yep. Were they met with opposition? Absolutely. But was change made? 100%. Okay maybe not 100%, but things are VASTLY different for women today than before 1848.
So, do I genuinely believe that I can eradicate school shootings? No. But I DO believe that I can make a difference, especially since there is research that has been conducted by the FBI to show that the vast majority of personality traits, characteristics, motives, etc., can be identified, intervened and redirected. I'm okay with people viewing me as crazy. What I am NOT okay with is sitting back and allowing more senseless school shootings to happen and lives to be lost, when I feel deep in my bones that I have a set of skills that can make a difference. If I can work intensely with schools and equip teens, parents, school staff, etc., to be on the lookout for various signs/symptoms, I can then intervene and potentially save innocent lives. Why WOULDN'T I attempt to solve the school shooter problem? I am prepared to be viewed as crazy. I am prepared to be met with opposition. I am also prepared to make a difference.

"If this is what crazy looks like, sign me up."
--Kristen Miller
#nosolutiontoschoolshootings #nosolution #schoolshootings #disgust #worldissues #societalissues #solutions #measles #1954 #johnfenders #bloodsamplesvirus #vaccine #lightbulb #lightbulbs #thomasedison #sourceoflight #fire #sun #light #bulb #relentlesslypursue #relentlessly #crazy #womensrights #1848 #1878 #norights #marriedwomen #legallydead #law #womennovote #womensubmittolaws #husbands #legalpower #imprison #impunity #beat #divorce #childcustory #occupations #unequalpay #medicine #college #brave #elizabethcadystanton #opposition #change #vastlydifferent #eradicate #schoolshooting #FBI #personalitytraits #characteristics #motives #identify #identified #intervene #intervened #redirect #redirected #senseless #liveslost #enough #neveragain #schools #teens #parents #schoolstaff #signs #symptoms #makeadifference #alberteinstein #stevejobs #margaretmead #withheart #withhearproject